Energy is Contagious: What Does This Mean for Your Business?
Heelllloooooo my hunny, {{ first_name }},
This week, I was lucky enough to attend a management training session at one of the hotels I work with, and let me tell you—the message from the business coach was right up my alley! In fact, I joked with him after the session, saying he needs to stop stealing my content and ideas! We had a good laugh...
But here's the thing—two scary yet very real points were driven home during his session. Depending on how long you've known me, you know I'm like a broken record about these points. But hearing them from someone else, in a different environment, speaking to a different group, totally made my week!
I'm going to share this with you AGAIN. Why? Because I get calls and emails weekly from salon and spa owners complaining about the same issues. When I visit spas and salons every single week (almost daily), I see firsthand what’s happening out there. And I want you to be aware because, as an owner or manager, you might not see it—but it affects your business more than you can imagine. Mmmmm. What is this?
First, let me tell you what I see out there and what the phone calls and emails are mostly about. Then, I’ll share this critical business success FACT.
- Demotivated staff
- Staff that look bored and disinterested
- Low energy and sluggish team
- Not proactive and not engaged
- Staff that don’t smile or laugh
- Little eye contact
- Unapproachable
{{ first_name }}, do any of the above sound familiar?
Here’s the scary fact, and you can either come up with excuses and reasons why this isn’t true, or you can take a few minutes to digest it and commit to fixing it:
Your staff's behavior is coming from YOU!
ENERGY, MOTIVATION, LAUGHTER, SMILES, FUN—these are all contagious and they start at the TOP! If the captain is flat, exhausted, stressed, and always rushing around, well then, guess what…
I challenge you to implement a few simple things in your business to change the behavior and mood, and see how quickly the picture changes. There are hundreds of ideas, but here are my top few. Use them or don’t—it’s really your call:
- Hugs for each staff member on arrival every morning
- A morning positive word from each team member written on a board or paper where everyone can see it
- High-energy music playing before clients arrive
- MORNING HUDDLES (hope you’re doing this)
- A joke a day! (Everyone takes turns to tell a joke every morning)
- Implement “smile-only” zones in your business
- Have an anonymous suggestion and solution box where staff can offer ideas with actionable solutions—ensuring they think about how to implement and follow through.
Enjoy the weekend! I’ll be cheering on the sidelines at my kids' hockey tournament all weekend. Woooo hooooooo!!!
Much love,