You experiencing mid year business blues????

You experiencing mid year business blues????

newsletters 2024

Four nights ago, I was where I usually am most evenings—on the side of a hockey pitch, cheering on my son or daughter. Out of the blue, I received a call from a client, Tracy, which was unusual for her at that time of night. Tracy needed to vent, something she rarely does. She told me she felt exhausted and drained, like she had no creativity left and wasn't inspiring her team. She desperately wanted to switch off her phone and take some time to relax.

The next day, I met with Janet, a client, and guess what? She shared the same feelings of exhaustion and lack of motivation. This got me thinking: could this be a symptom of something affecting our industry or something we're all experiencing?

I've become fascinated with differential diagnosis! I've been watching this amazing series called House on Netflix, and every episode revolves around differential diagnosis. I had no idea what it meant before, but now I'm hooked. So, I have my own differential diagnosis for a common feeling that seems to be creeping up on most people around this time of year.

It has many names: Mid year blues, mid year rut, mid year burnout, mid year slump… and here are a few symptoms to look out for.

  • Feeling Drained and Unmotivated: The excitement from the start of the year has faded, and you find it hard to stay enthusiastic about your daily tasks.
  • Decreased Productivity: Tasks that used to take a short time now seem to drag on forever.
  • Lack of New Ideas: You’re struggling to come up with fresh marketing ideas or ways to engage clients.
  • Increased Stress Levels: Everything feels like it's piling up, and you’re not sure where to start.
  • Desire for a Break: You catch yourself daydreaming about a vacation more often than usual.

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? If so, you might be experiencing the classic and very common mid-year blues! But don’t worry, I have some great ideas to help you overcome this!

  • Take a Step Back and Reflect: Spend some time reviewing your goals and achievements so far. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and realign your focus for the rest of the year.
  • Plan a Refreshing Break: Sometimes a short break or a mini-vacation can do wonders. Even a day off to relax and recharge can help you come back with renewed energy.
  • Revamp Your Routine: Introduce new elements to your daily routine to keep things interesting. It could be a new morning ritual, rearranging your workspace, or trying out new marketing strategies.
  • Engage Your Team: Involve your team in brainstorming sessions. Fresh perspectives can spark new ideas and get everyone excited about upcoming projects.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Don’t neglect your well-being. Make sure you’re eating well, staying active, and taking time to unwind. A healthy body fuels a healthy mind.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We all go through these phases, and it's completely normal. If you ever need to talk or brainstorm some ideas, I’m just an email or call away.

Let's tackle the rest of the year with renewed energy and creativity! We’ve got this.




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