
Blogs & Newsletters

When it all feels like a disaster, stay the course! newsletters 2024

Happy Happy Friday, {{ first_name }},

Are you feeling like you’re stuck in the middle of a storm? Maybe you’re running on empty, questioning if it’s all worth it? Or perhaps it...

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Energy is Contagious: What Does This Mean for Your Business? newsletters 2024

Heelllloooooo my hunny, {{ first_name }},

This week, I was lucky enough to attend a management training session at one of the hotels I work with, and let me tell you—the message from the...

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How Last Week’s KPIs Led to Big Wins – Get Your Template Today! newsletters 2024

Hellllooooooo {{ first_name }},

Last week was a whirlwind of activity, and it all started with our KPI sessions. I’d like to share a personal story that truly underscores the power of...

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From tornado to triumph this week! The KPI strategy you can’t ignore newsletters 2024


This past week, I had the pleasure of traveling to Cape Town with a special companion—my son! He's on school break and wanted to visit his best friend in the city, so I had the...

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When Is It Considered Inappropriate? newsletters 2024


First and foremost, happy Women's Day! Here in South Africa, we are celebrating the incredible women in our lives, and I want to start by sharing a few cool facts about women and wishing all...

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A Very Confused Week... newsletters 2024

Hello my lovely,

I hope you are so well this fab Friday! I need to share the most confusing week with you…

The week started with TWO BIG WINS for me, well THREE actually! They weren't...

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Do you need more hours in your day? newsletters 2024


Does the thought of needing more hours in your day sound all too familiar? I bet you’ve said it more times than you can count this year!

Did you know that the number one reason...

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Why Can’t People Just Do Their Job??? newsletters 2024

Sound familiar?

I've heard this more times than I can count on both hands this week! It's no joke and really concerning because these words are coming out of many business owners' mouths these...

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When last did you actively “listen” to the music you are playing in your spa or salon? newsletters 2024

Helllloooo my dear {{ first_name }},

Imagine you are lying on a comfortable, cozy, warm treatment bed, receiving an unbelievable massage from a highly skilled therapist. For a change, you are...

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A shocking spa experience – Critical insights you need to know newsletters 2024

I’m about to share a secret with you, one that you’d never guess about me. Here it is: I really don’t enjoy going for treatments at new places. At all. In fact, I put it off for...

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Unlock the Secret to Effective Marketing: Understanding RAS newsletters 2024

On Tuesday morning, I was picking up my usual favorite Hazelnut Latte at the coffee shop on my way to work, when I overheard a conversation that got me thinking about how we process information....

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Yoo-hoo! When Was Your Last “WHY” Check-In newsletters 2024

Hello my lovely {{ first_name }},

Remember how I kept going on about completing a vision board at the beginning of the year? Well, it’s time to revisit that vision board or goal sheet and...

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At Wellness Professionals Club we are passionate about providing support and coaching with the goal to see the industry THRIVE!

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