
Blogs & Newsletters

Yoo-hoo! When Was Your Last “WHY” Check-In newsletters 2024

Hello my lovely {{ first_name }},

Remember how I kept going on about completing a vision board at the beginning of the year? Well, it’s time to revisit that vision board or goal sheet and...

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You experiencing mid year business blues???? newsletters 2024

Four nights ago, I was where I usually am most evenings—on the side of a hockey pitch, cheering on my son or daughter. Out of the blue, I received a call from a client, Tracy, which was...

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You arrived, you listened and now, it’s time to ACT! newsletters 2024

Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say! That marketing masterclass session was exactly what I needed. I’ve had a flat, very flat week, not sure if I am suffering from exhaustion or whether there is...

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Have You Completed Your Mid-Year Marketing Health Check? newsletters 2024


Can you believe we're already halfway through 2024? It feels like I blinked after New Year’s Day and suddenly, here we are, halfway through the year!

How are things on your end? Let me...

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Time to Play and Have Fun with Our Very Own Dojo Cat! newsletters 2024

I had the most amazing time on Saturday night and just had to share some highlights with you. I hope they inspire you as much as they did the room full of fabulously dressed-up therapists.


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Don’t assume ENSURE: Unveiling a secret to effective training! newsletters 2024

I've got another gem of a story to share with you all—a tale of training, tactics, and the power of getting it just right. You know, I'm passionate about what I do because my "why" is to...

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Ever wonder why your team doesn’t get along newsletters 2024

Picture this: it’s a bustling Wednesday morning at the spa.

Our high-S receptionist, Sally, is in her element, expertly managing the day’s appointments. In whirls, Lizzy, our high-I...

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My heart broke this week newsletters 2024

You know how pedantic I am about Mystery Guest Reviews and their value - I even dedicate a whole chapter to this in our Business Management Program, outlining the correct steps, choosing the right...

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Are you glad I spilled my coffee? newsletters 2024

If you know me, you know I’m a coffee addict. Last week, I spilled one of my lattes on my planner. In the rush to clean up the mess, I found a post-it note from at least two years ago. It...

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You did WHAT this weekend??? newsletters 2024

Last week, I had a chat with a Spa Manager about how well she knows her team. She was confident, saying she knew them well. I pressed a bit more—asking her to think about each of their...

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5 Unexpected Spa Growth Hacks blogs

SPA EVOLUTION REQUIRES adapting to emerging trends. With the goal of developing strategies for spa success in 2024, let’s delve into five indispensable steps that not only elevate your...

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Well, that was a mistake! newsletters 2024

I Was Desperate, I took a Shortcut = EPIC FAIL

I can positively share that this past week ranks as one of the worst weeks of the year for me so far. I'm not sure where to start, but I feel I need...

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At Wellness Professionals Club we are passionate about providing support and coaching with the goal to see the industry THRIVE!

Your growth is our passion and it's a privilege to share our weekly newsletter jam-packed with tips and advice to help you manage your business, your team and grow your spa or salon revenue!

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